Gene by Gene
Not all genetic labs are created equal.
Through our cutting-edge biotechnology, we offer a full spectrum of tailored and affordable genetic testing services.
World-Leading Laboratory Services
A Leading Global
Laboratory Service Provider
Gene by Gene operates one of the most advanced, specialty genetic laboratories in the world.
With over 20 years of laboratory service innovation and robotic automation, we pride ourselves on providing competitive pricing, fast turnaround times, and superior lab capacity.
Gene by Gene Benefits
Competitive pricing
High capacity
Fast turnaround
Our versatile, in-house laboratory offers unparalleled breadth of services, from Whole Genome Sequencing to Biobanking.
We can extract human DNA and provide genetic data services across the entire spectrum of microarray and sequencing technologies.
Featured Services

Whole Genome Sequencing
Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) is rapidly becoming more affordable, and is a powerful tool to identify inherited disorders and mutations that drive cancer progression or for tracking disease risk.
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Custom Targeted Panels
Next Gen Sequencing (NGS) target enrichment is now available to enable quick design, synthesis and optimisation of custom panels.
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Gene by Gene’s Microarray technology has a variety of uses in research and clinical studies. It is an important test to support precision medicine and variant screening. It is also a high-value, scalable, cost-effective solution for population-scale genetic studies and research.
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Paternity Relationship Testing
Our team of experienced DNA scientists will help find answers to your questions through our paternity relationship testing services.
View online >We pride ourselves on our technology, with our advanced robotic automation driving innovation in Precision Health.
Our innovative sequencing and array technology supports our ground-breaking advancements in genetics through flexible, scalable solutions.
Our in-house laboratory is highly accredited for both molecular pathology & relationship testing. These standards allow us to boast incredible result accuracy.
Our Laboratory
Discover our proprietary lab & world-leading tech

Partner with Gene by Gene and unlock a personalized end-to-end workflow.
Our advanced, versatile, and high-capacity in-house laboratory is able to service a wide array of needs, workflows, and business cases. Inquire today to discover how partnership with Gene by Gene can help your organization unleash the power of genetics.
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